Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life Expectancy In The US ... Diminishing

Holy toledo Batman, this article stopped me in my tracks. And here's a quote from the article:

“It’s very troubling that there are parts of the wealthiest country in the world, with the highest health spending in the world, where health is getting worse,"

I always thought that any one of us would be able to access the best in health care that this country (USA) has to offer it's citizens. Not until recently, being one of those 'older individuals' who happened to lose her health care insurance because of a job loss, and now relies on state funded insurance, did I find out exactly what my options are.

Now, I am classified as one of those individuals who, because of income, because of the type of insurance I am enrolled in, has very few options available to me when it comes to getting 'the best health care available'. Guess I shouldn't be so surprised, with all that's going on in the world and at home. But I was surprised. Just when you need something the most, that's when the PTB seem to make it disappear. It's just beyond your grasp. What a game.

What's next.......food??
To read more go here.

And, keep yourselves healthy.

~ The Mediator

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