Saturday, October 08, 2005


Whether it be called 'the flu', 'influenza' 'bird flu' the title doesn't matter. What matters is that you get yourself up to speed as to how you can protect yourself and your family/loved one's during the ever recurring flu season that begins around October of each year and can last well into the first few months of the following year (Oct-March). Below is a fascinating article on the 'flu' and you'll want to read the whole thing. My next post will be on what I, personally, find very useful during this coming season of illness. Anyway.............

Influenza - "a human respiratory infection of undetermined cause" according to Webster's dictionary. Most people have at some stage in their lives felt its effects, and while the normal human virus is not lethal to humans there exists the possibility that lethal "mutated" strains can develop.

Each winter the flu virus makes its expected appearance, commonly known as the "Flu season". The standard government response is to commission the large pharmaceutical companies to manufacture vast amounts of a vaccine.


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I've decided to list below some of my favorite books AND favorite remedies for the 'flu' and 'flu-like symptoms that come along each year. Mind you, this is just what I have read about, experimented with, and studied. What I am about to list here, are things you can do for yourself and your loved ones, should there be no doctor/hospital available.

Katrina has, I think, made us all think long and hard about how to care for ourselves - to be our own 'first responders'........not to rely on or hope for help coming soon ~ if ever. Anyway, these remedies are either very inexpensive and easily available or FREE. So, lets go shopping.......

((this list is by no means complete......just some of my thoughts on caring for myself and my loved one's.......)) And furthermore, the below is just my personal recommendation on items I have found quite useful. Remember, don't just take my word for it, research yourself always on the subjects below. As always, knowledge protects.

H O M E O P A T H I C R E M E D I E S :These can be purchased in Health Food Stores, and even Pharmacies are starting to stock these. Remedies cost anywhere from $4 to $6 dollars per remedy. And there is enough to last a person for a lifetime. Below is some very basic information. Please research for yourself, as I have done. Hope this will get people thinking and maybe get together a little "flu kit" for the coming months. As always, consult with your physician or medical care giver for further information.

Gelsemium is known as the "Great Flu Remedy" of the 1918 flu virus. This remedy saved many, many lives. Some remedies to have on hand are the following:

ACONITUM (or aconite) ..... 30C potency ..... take one dose (6-12 pellets), every hour for 3 hours in a row. The trick is to realize your're feeling a little 'off', before the onset of flu symptoms (headache, sniffles, fever, scratchy throat). Take this remedy at the VERY BEGINNING of symptoms.

GELSEMIUM ..... premier flu remedy and saved many lives during the epidemic of 1918. This remedy is useflu for flu symptoms that have taken a couple of days to develop. If you are fatigued, draggy, heavy arms/legs, chills, headache, this remedy is for you. 30C once an hour for 3 hours.

ECHINACEA ..... flu remedy and also remedy for the Hanta Virus. If you have considerable muscle ache with great fatigue, fever spikes come and go with chilliness.

EUPATORIUM PERFOLATUM (or Eup Perf) ..... another premier flu remedy. Take this if you are having symptoms of aching bones with fever, back pain, nasuea & vomiting, restlessness. (these are only some of the symptoms). 30C once an hour for 3 hours.

BAPTISIA ..... another remedy for the flu. Take this if the person appears to be 'drunk' without having been drinking, swift onset of flu symptoms, thickness of tongue. 30C once an hour for 3 hours.

BELLADONNA ..... remedy for colds and and high fever that come on suddenly. Sometimes the face will be flushed red and eyes appear shiny w/dilated pupils, a tickle that makes you cough and a right-sided sore throat.

CROLATUS HORRIDUS ..... actually, this is the venum of the rattlesnake. This remedy has been used in the 1900's against the Plague, Cholera, Scarlet Fever, and Yellow Fever. I have read that it is also the #1 remedy for Ebola virus.

HEPAR SULPH ..... for colds with much thick mucus, a splinter sensation in throat. This is a remedy for sinusitis with nasal discharge.

One remedy made especially for flu symptoms that is a homeopathic remedy and I have found even in pharmacies is: Oscillococcinum. I aways have this one on hand.

G A R L I C : nicknamed "russian penicillin, has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-yeast properties. You can get garlic capsules that are 'enteric coated'. This means it dissolves further along in your digestive system and that it will not give you 'garlic breath'. Remember though that garlic is a blood thinner.........if you are on any medications that are blood thinners please check with your physician.

S A M B U C O L : ..... this is a black eldeberry extract. Works like the flu remedy called 'Tamiflu'. It is an anti-viral agent. This is something that is new to me, and I have never tried this anti-viral agent.

G R E E N T E A C A P S U L E S : ..... is an immune system booster. It also has anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties. Green tea is also good for the immune system (no caffeine, please).

S L E E P: ..... sleep is important for your immune system. Try to get rest and enough sleep to support your immune system during flu season.

H A N D W A S H I N G: ..... lots of good handwashing, many times a day. It is not necessary (in my opinion) to use anti-bacterial soap. Personally, I use regular soap in my home. But this is my opinion only. Also, remember when women and men wore gloves when they went out in public. Sometimes I wish those days would might keep us all healthier.

R E F L E X O L O G Y :
This is something you can do for yourself that costs nothing. You can purchase books on the subject or I have seen special gloves and socks that you put on that indicate where the pressure points are for you to work on the different areas of your body (internal organs, spine, head, teeth). There are points for sleep, relaxation. Ever wonder why some people really enjoy a good foot massage. Not a bad idea to give your partner, children a foot massage now and then. It will help keep them healthy, stimulate their immune system and calm their nervous system.
Basically, you just rub all parts of your hand/foot. When finding painful areas, gently massage the area until the pain releases or becomes less tender.

T H E W A T E R O F L I F E:
Or, as people 'in the know' call it......urine therapy. Now don't get all gaggy over this. It is something that works remarkably well. I have tried it myself and also used it on my children for earaches and coughs. With an earache, the pain truly does disappears within 20 minutes - this is not a joke. Unfortunately if this is the first time you are hearing about UT you may need some time to let the thought of this information sink in.

The first time I saw a book on the subject I thought that the author was out of his head. But a couple of years later, I purchased a book on the subject. Now depending on your age, if you were to talk to a grandparent (probably your grandmother), she just might tell you that urine therapy was a normal part of their generation. Since they had NO antibiotics, and no one ever saw a doctor when they were sick, the population did what came naturally.

E A R C O N E S o r E A R C A N D L E S:
If you suffer from sinus problems, ear problems, wax buildup in the ears, you just must try the experience of ear cones. They are shaped somewhat like a tall tapered candle, usually made out of bees wax and muslin. You place the 'cone' in an ear and light the end. As the 'cone' burns down, it draws out all kinds of stuff from your ears and sinus cavity. NOTE: You must have someone do this to you.

C O L O R B R E A T H I N G :
Another subject that is FREE. I've dabbled a bit in color breathing on and off for a number of years. I'm not sure how effective it is, but why dismiss something that other people have such respect for. So here have a couple of options: (1) breathe in colored light into the affected area OR (2) get a colored bottle, fill with distilled water, set bottle in sunlight for a day, sip water gently.

F L O WE R E S S E N C E S :
To start with, there is the BACH Flower Remedies. You can purchase them OR, like me, make your own.

There are a few books I really turn to when I, or a family member are ill.
URINE THERAPY - IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE by Dr. Beatrice Barnette, D.C., N.D.

Good luck to us all during this 2005-2006 flu season.
~ The Mediator