Saturday, October 27, 2007

SHORTAGES: Take Your Pick - Food, Water, Money

Ya know, it feels like we're living in a dream world at the moment.

Everything seems to be normal. Food available, water everywhere, working still and paying the bills. At the same time, there is a growing anxiety deep in my solar plexus. Some days the anxiety is so strong I can't ignore it - other days I want to run home, put on the tv, get some ice cream and let myself get swallowed up in a mind-less sugar high ((my version of pulling the covers up over my head and ignoring the warning signs going off all around me.))

Sooooooooo, rather than depress myself further, I'll post some links where you can read for yourself that the US is facing a water shortage crisis, the dollar is tanking and oil prices will be up over $100.00 a barrell soon, and what no one is speaking about too much is the growing food shortage that's gonna be all to apparent come this winter/spring (2007/2008).

Never mind the growing drumbeats for war, war, war. The only question there is whether it will be nuclear or not.

So, do you feel like you are on the verge of become extinct?? We're only a step away. The edge of the cliff is much closer than anyone dares dream.

Have a nice weekend!!!

~ The Mediator

"Food Set To Become Next Big Global News Story"
