Monday, April 02, 2007


I've been away too long from my blog, and now I'm gonna try and make up for some lost time. There is sooooo much going on in this world that is extremely important to know about (remember I love the phrase: "Knowledge protects") that I came across this article by a lady who is, in my opinion, a brilliant writer/researcher, Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

So whatever your position in life is, whether you are wealthy, intelligent, secure in your job, think that nothing of a negative sort could affect you or your life, you must read this article in it's entirety.

It just might save your life and, save your children. And if you have children, think to the future my friend.

The article I am referring to is entitled "The Hope" and can be found here:

the article begins here:

~ Laura Knight-Jadczyk

"My last contribution to the Blogosphere was pretty scary, wasn't it? Geeze! You shoulda seen my mail! People going bananas and writing "what to do? what to do!?"

"Well, this one's not going to be any better. But let me say in advance that today's particular collection of items will lead us to a certain point of HOPE which I wish to elucidate at the end.
IT is 7.17 am, Eastern Standard Time, on the thirtieth of June [some year in the not-too-distant future]. Suddenly the power fails.

"The basement centre of the Defense Communication Operations Unit adjoining the White House is plunged into darkness, and only the distant rumble of early morning traffic reminds the duty officer that another day has already begun. There have been power failures before, however, and there is no hint of impending crisis

"Almost immediately, an automatic switch brings in the emergency supply. But now the duty officer observes that something is wrong. Telephone links to the outside world have gone. These include the open links, via commercial cables, to NORAD's bunker a thousand feet under Cheyenne Peak in Colorado, and to the Offutt command post near Omaha.

"Within seconds it is ascertained that neither the President nor Vice-President, both of whom are out of town, can be contacted: radio communications are blacked out, on all frequencies. .......................

There's tons of information in this article. More than you can imagine only if you read it to the end.

~ The Mediator