Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Back to Work

Tomorrow, I go back to work. I have, what I would consider, a great job. It doesn't pay much, nor does it offer opportunity for upward mobility. But still, I love my job.

I work a three day workweek. It's terriffic. I go in for three days and have four days off. How cool is that???? My employer/supervisor thinks we (our office) are doing a terriffic job. There are other offices surrounding us who could implement this three-day-a-week workweek but choose not to do so. WHY I wonder?

About two years ago, I suggested that we look at the possibility of working a three-day week. Squeezing 30-32 hours into three days. They (the powers that be) said that it couldn't be done. And, they gave us three months to try it out, thinking we would fail miserably in the attempt. Guess what.....we succeeded ! ! !

Now, two+ years later, we are one of the only offices within our group that get our work done daily. There is no carryover work from day to day. It's remarkable. And, at the same time, none of the other offices even dare to try and implement what we have shown to be a remarkable success story. Why don't they try it?? The answer is quite simple my dear......FEAR.

Except, I can't figure out whether it's fear of success OR fear of failure. Quite possibly, it is fear of the unknown. I don't know. The other people have been given the option of changing. But, I guess, that there is much FEAR in change. Change of the unknown. Change scares people.

So, it all comes down to one word why no other offices want to attempt change, it is due to FEAR.
Do any of you have FEARS??? Is it something you can do something about???? or not????

Fear makes people freeze in their tracks. Fear makes people avoid the truth. Fear does innumerable damage to humans. Ever hear a noise at night.......lying in your bed.........what do you do??..........freeze??.......pull the covers over your head and hope your fear goes away??..........????

Well, ACTION helps. Doing SOMETHING helps.

I'm not even sure why I'm writing about this, but there is a great book that I have recently read. The title is called "The Secret History of the World and How To Get Out Alive", by Laura Knight Jadczyk available at http://www.qfgpublishing.com/.

Although I'm not sure whether you'll finish the book with more fear or less fear, your knowledge base will be increased. This information has helped me to see more clearly.

~ The Mediator