Sunday, August 27, 2006

WHO AM I ? ?

I can't stop thinking about this issue.

How do I possibly get this down on paper, it's something that in reality doesn't make any sense at all. It is something I have thought of on-and-off, for many, many years .... so many years that it seems to be coming to a head and I am finding that I think of this issue daily.

What is it, you ask, that makes my mind wander back and forth. It is something that many children ask themselves at some point in their growing up years, hoping that their parents aren't really their parents. But, I never was one to do this to myself. It all started about 25 years ago - mostly as a joke, but today has become more of an irritation of sorts.

The 'issue' that is torturing me is I adopted (?) was I a baby who was switched at birth (?) or was some kind of baby switch done around 18 months old (?).

Now for the facts. I'm in my 50's. I have four sisters and one brother. None of them do I look like. Nor do I look like my mother or father or grandparents or aunts or uncles.

It has been a sort of family joke that I'm the milkman's daughter. Everyone gets a chuckle at that, especially when we are at a family gathering and someone new to the family will say to me with complete surprise "You're (so and so's) sister, daughter ! ! You don't look anything like the rest of the family."

But back even further, to the beginning of the questions that have been raised, not by me, but by my mother. Many, many years ago she relayed an unusual story to me and the family. From time to time, she brings this up and it has made me wonder what, if anything, this story rings of some sort of truth - something maybe even my own mother doesn't seem to be conscious of.

The story goes like this.....when I was about 18 months old, I was quite something. I was talking quite a bit (apparently quite unusual for the time) and my aunt, my mother's sister (who was pregnant at this time) thought I was just the most wonderful child. I, like my parents, had dark black hair and bright blue eyes. I was just beautiful ! ! !

The story gets quite sad at this point. My aunt, who was pregnant, gave birth to twin boys. But she, and her two sons, died in childbirth. It was a very traumatic time for my mom and her family. Something I cannot even imagine the grief they were experiencing. But, here is where the story takes the strange twist ..... my mother relates that the day my aunt and her boys died, she put me to bed. When she picked me up in the morning, from my crib, I had this incredible change of hair color and eye color - going from black hair to blonde and eyes from bright blue to green. Go figure.

Now I never, ever gave that story any credence of truth, although I thought it was a wildly impossible event, but my mom insists it was absolutely true. I went from black hair/blue eyes to blonde hair/green eyes overnight. Is this medically possible? I know that babies eyes do change color. But haircolor too - overnight?

Could it be from the trauma the family was experiencing?? Could my mom have been so filled with grief that she didn't recognize/experience that her child was (maybe) not her child?? None of this story logically makes any sense to me.

But my mom, who is now 82, still sticks by this story - the hair/eye color change that happened overnight. What am I to make of this??

To continue on with the story I should tell you that I love to go yard-sailing, as we call it around here. Usually I go with one or two or three of my sisters, since we all love to find a good "bargain" now and then.

Every weekend, as we stop to check out the 'sales', it never fails that someone will talk to one of my sisters (we are all very friendly) and say to that person "Oh, and this is your sister too." ..... and be referring to the other one or two sisters who are with us. But never, NEVER, do they include me in the referring. For the last couple of years it's just been something we've all laughed at. But, it's just getting weirder and weirder.

A week ago, I took my mom to the hospital to get some blood drawn. We sat down next to another elderly lady. As it turned out, she and my mom were friends in their younger days and they talked for sometime until we had to leave. My mom introduced me to this woman as her 'oldest daughter'. The woman said "You're kidding, I would never have guessed she was one of your children. She doesn't look like any of the others I know." Well, you know my mom and I brought up the old joke of me being the milkman's daugher. Everyone laughed.

But, this is just getting rediculous.

Yesterday, at two separate yardsales, people talked to my other sister and said things like "Oh, and so-and-so is your sister, you look just like her." I was just so irritated by it all I walked away. Determined not to stand there and say (as I usually do) "I'm so-and-so's sister too." It's just getting to be too much for me.

And, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT. It's on my mind alot. Can't shake the feeling that there's something more to this whole story than I may ever find out. It's a mystery (or maybe it's not) that I want to solve, to settle in my own mind.

Anyone have any suggestions??? I am actually asking myself this question. But as yet I have not come up with an answer - except to try to do a dna test. But how would I bring that up to my mom without offending her or scaring her?

My personal feeling is that someone switched me in my crib when I was 18 months old. But that's probably too conspiritorial for it to have any truth. And I'm not a crazy person. Just trying to figure out an answer to this crazy issue in my life.

~ The Mediator


Anonymous said...

Well, the obvious. Was the house locked up that night? Any windows open? Do you have any pictures of you before 18 months old? What about blood type? Any other family member who can recall your hair/eye color from before then? Hospital records, birth certificate, what do they say? Did they put that type of stuff on them? What about your fathers side of the family? Any of them remember you back when?

If you really wanted to do DNA testing, maybe do it with a sister, and don't tell your mom. Maybe there is a recessive gene involved somewhere?

I dunno, it seems strange to me that if a child's features/hair color changed overnight, that a mother would just shrug it off. Perhaps "they" put the wrong baby back and wiped out your mom's memory! ;-)

The Mediator said...

Hi you can tell by the date, I don't often check my blog for comments (sorry!).

Anyway, this is/continues to be an item in my life that comes up at the oddest of times.

Don't know if I'll ever do the dna thing, but I hope to one day find the answer to this continuing strange happening in my life.

Maybe it's not for me to find an answer.

Just after I read your comments on my blog, I was out with my mother and someone said to me: "Is that your mother, you two look so much alike"! ! Now go figure, that's the first time EVER anyone has made that comment to me.

Again I tell myself, that maybe my imagination/mind is toooo conspiritorial, that maybe it's just the universes way of distracting my thinking - making me appear to be a consipiricy 'nut'. Dunno, just don't know anymore.

~ The Mediator

The Mediator said...

OK, how weird is this. I wrote this blog "Who Am I?" on August 27th. Today is October 3rd.

I just came from a walk. A group of three women were walking ahead of me. I saw one of the women jump and they all scattered - there was a garter snake on the path. So, as I was very near, I made a comment to the women and we all laughed.

As I passed this group, one woman turned and said to me: "Are you working the church bazaar this year?" I said to her, "What church?" (as I don't belong to any church).

Her reply to me was: "Oh my, you look just like your sister Janice. You really could be her twin." And I was off walking.

Now, how strange is that.....going for 58 years with EVERYONE saying how you don't look like anyone in your family and then after you write this blog about your concerns, twice in the last 5 weeks people tell you that you resemble a family member exactly.

Does this mean that the Universe (I use that term loosely) wants me to stop dwelling on and possibly acting on my concerns???????????

~ The Mediator

Anonymous said...

What a very strange story, Mediator. Shah alluded to it (albeit jokingly it seems) possibly having something to do with an alien abduction, but you know, I've read stranger things happening than this. And you know what - it is a POSSIBILITY. Synchronicities can also be a signature of some sort of hyperdimensional influence, and if the abduction scenario is true, then they'd have a vested interest in trying to calm down your initial suspicions, to shove them under the rug and prevent you from taking a DNA test.

I can understand the absolute confusion you must have felt for all of these years. It's like reaching a barrier, or the edge of your mind where you just cannot for the life of you find an explanation. There is just nothing left but an abyss of the unknown.

And the emotional implications!!

Fact is: the incident is extremely bizarre; your mother's reaction, or rather non-reaction is particularly bizarre and the consistent comments are extremely bizarre.

Wanna know what I'd do? Go and get a test, and find out once and for all.

All the best.

Anonymous said...

"According to Dr John O'Connor, head of the School of Physical Science and Mathematics at the University of Newcastle in Australia, "once your hair has grown out of its follicle, any emotional or physical trauma will not affect it. This hair is basically dead, like your nails. Yet severe adverse events could cause new hair that grows out a few weeks later to be white."

Anonymous said...

Also, I cannot conceive of the "Universe" trying to tell you something by distracting you away from taking a test that would only confirm it anyway - that you weren't a "switched baby".

I'm also sure the Universe "knows" that a few synchronous events aren't as reliable as a DNA test in discerning the truth.

Which makes me think there is possibly something else behind it that doesn't want you knowing, an STS/negative "force." I'm doubtful if this is a clue from a creative side because it isn't promoting free-will, knowledge and Truth.