Saturday, March 08, 2008

Freedom of Speech and Your Mental Health

Since my passion is alternative medicine, and I love to write about ways I've found to keep myself healthy 'in body', I thought I'd also let you in on how I keep myself healthy 'in mind'.

I'm sure that most of you realize stress can be a killer. And, we all have stress to deal with each and every day. It just depends on how much stress is involved and how well you can cope. From the commute to work, worry about family, job, health, the economy, it's pretty much an in-your-face daily struggle not to have a nuclear meltdown emotionally.

I've had my share of stresses thoughout the last 30 years.......what with having a child born with a disability, an alcoholic husband, divorce, suffering from panic attacks, even having my car repossessed while I was at work and all my co-workers knew.......there were times when I thought that checking-out would be the best and only option for getting some peace of mind.

I was a worrier. My mom worried and I thought I'd inherited the familial gene and my fate was sealed. Once, when I was a teenager, I went to an amusement park, had my palm read. The woman took one look at the lines on my hand and said to me "My dear, you worry so much, you worry about worrying." She hit the nail on the head. But what was I to do. Then I devised a plan (too bad it took me soooo many years to come up with this workable idea). The Plan: I allowed myself 24 hours to worry/stress over any given situation or problem that popped into my life. It worked ! ! !

Yes. I would cry, scream, agonize, think about the most horrific end-of-the-world scenarios and literally get it all out of my emotional system. Phew; sometimes it was really exausting. But it worked.

The reason I'm writing about stress and mental health is that I read this article where an independent new site was being sued for telling the truth.

It seems that ever since 911 people have been more and more fearful of speaking what is it that they really think or feel about what is going on in our world, our country. And that bothers me. Not only because I can see fear in other people, but I can also sense fear in myself about speaking up.

Anyway, it is this article that's got me all worked up. So I had to implement my "Plan" and I guess part of the plan is my writing about it. This is an article about truth, freedom of speech, and some questionable individuals. As a mom, I would want my family to be aware of what's out there and that's why this rant. Maybe you'll read the article.

It's time we stop being afraid.

Here's the link to the blog

or......go read about it here

~ The Mediator

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