What's been on my mind for sometime now is the fact that I find myself actually frightened about talking about what is going on in the news. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was shopping with my sisters and saw some Veterans holding up signs on the Keene, NH Common saying "Honk if you think Bush is lying" !
I first noticed that no one was honking their car horns. But, as I mentioned to my sisters that I totally agreed with the Vets, she jumped down my throat (which shocked me to bits), telling me that they (the Vets) were not only stupid but so was I. She went on to talk about the prez and how he is saving the usa from terrorists. That if it wasn't for his bravery we'd all be blown to pieces. That he made the right choice to go to war (war = we are right).
Wanting to keep peace in the family, I just simply said that I saw things differently. That I had a differing opinion and politely agreed to totally disagree with her.
What really scared me was that she became SO ANGRY, so quickly. She turned on me like I was some stranger trying to take her personal security, her emotional safety away from her.
After that, I was just wondering how many other people do not speak up, do not voice their opinions about what is going on in the world, in their country because others have a LOUDER voice, because of others who THREATEN to disrupt your life because you do not agree with them.
I look for differing opinions in the newspapers, but I see nothing of substance. Where are the 63% of Americans who do not agree with the current administration. Why are the newspapers not reporting what the 63% of us Americans think. Where are our hero's??
With that said..........you may want to continue reading on. This is from a blog I like. The title is 'IS ANYBODY GETTING IT YET' by Laura Knight-Jadczyk.
~ ~ The Mediator
Is anybody getting it yet?
Last week some poor delusional soul wrote a comment to my previous post saying:
I'm as Liberal as Liberals come. And you're crazy. Bush will be gone in three years, whether the Republicans are or not. Do you actually think Bush, the man, is as smart as Hitler?
You're worrying up the wrong tree.
My response was:
No, I don't think that Bush is as smart as Hitler. I don't even think Hitler was that smart. But psychological deviants have something that normal people don't have: a special knowledge, a preternatural cunning, you might say, that assists them. You might want to read a bit about Ponerology to get a handle on what I mean. Bush may be gone in three years, but it won't be because he leaves the White House under his own steam. Take that to the bank.
This week there is more evidence of exactly what I wrote about last week.
First of all, let's consider some of the headlines. We are now told that Bush's popularity is at the lowest ever. The latest poll says that Bush's Approval Rating Falls to New Low - fewer Americans consider Bush likable, honest, strong and dependable. Meanwhile, we read Americans take their ringside seats for the great conservative crack-up.
Sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it?
But what was Congress doing while all this evidence that their great leader's capital has gone seriously into the red was being trumpeted? Why, following the Bush/Neocon agenda, of course!First of all, in spite of the fact that there are 30 US Reps for Bush Impeachment Inquiry, which one might assume includes the charge that Bush lied the US into a war, Congress is still Pimping for the Neocons: US congressmen press for Iran sanctions bill. Doesn't it occur to them that this whole Iran thing is identical to the Iraq lies about WMDs? Or are they really that stupid.
Meanwhile, on the home front, Congress is still following the Neocon agenda of destruction of the U.S. as a democracy in which the people have any rights at all: G.O.P. Senators Say Accord Is Set on Wiretapping and this Illegal Spying, Spineless Congress: Oversight by Capitulation, and then more destruction of citizens rights in this one: House votes to dump state food safety laws.
Are you getting it yet?
In another direction we notice Washington Post' To Cut 80 Newsroom Jobs.
Now, why do you suppose that is? Probably because people ARE voting with their pocket books and aren't buying newspapers like they used to; either they aren't reading or they are getting their news on the internet. What could the Post do to save itself? Well, something like starting to print the truth, something like engaging in real investigative journalism for a change. If the Post started blazoning in giant headlines things like: Scholars for 9/11 Truth - A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon, and Important for 9/11 Research: Brain Blindness, you can bet they'd sell more papers than they ever dreamed of.
But they aren't doing that. Instead, they are downsizing, almost an admission of coming bankruptcy. Why would they do that? Why would any group of people such as Congress and Journalists choose financial ruin when they could save themselves by dealing with the truth?
Only one reason: there is something else they are more afraid of. As I have said, Bush wasn't doing all that illegal wiretapping on just plain folks for the past two years.
Of course, over the past few days I've wondered what could be done, if anything. Obviously, voting using the Diebold machines or other corrupted systems is not going to get it. You can't get anything through to other countries via the press either. The citizens of the U.S., and all their systems of government, have been effectively hog-tied. As I said, there's no chance of impeachment, and there's no chance of changing things by trying to vote the bastards out. Heck, if there was any chance of the latter, you can bet that there would be another 9/11 type incident just before the next elections and Bush would do his "Night of the Long Knives", declare himself dictator for "the good of Amurrika," and cancel the elections.
Well, it's going to take some thinking. In the meantime, the best thing everybody can do is share information at the grass-roots level until everybody is on the same page. People need to know certain things, and they need to have it repeated so that it will break through the programming that they have suffered. What things do they need to know? Well, the following are a good start:
Political Ponerology
Neoconservatism, the Israeli Lobby, and other Power Relations
The Most Powerful Weapon In The World - Strategic Communication Laboratories and the war for your mind
Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 - and Neither Did a Boeing 757
More people need to "get it" before anything at all can be done. So quit wasting your money and energy on things that just aren't going to do a thing.