If you are able to, go to the website:
or you can go to Brasscheck TV to watch this dna altering talk. But watch the video of Naomi Wolf speaking. It's one video that will hold your attention like a good 'thriller' movie. She speaks to an audience about the TEN STEPS TO FASCISM ...... a blueprint that is used to create a closed society. And, personally, I think we're up to number 9. Not much time left. Choose wisely Grasshopper !!
Video: The Fascist Blueprint
Naomi Wolf BrasscheckTV/Youtube
"It can happen here
"Naomi Wolf on "The End of America" It not only can happen here, it is happening here.
Mussolini created the blueprint (with inspiration from Lenin), Hitler elaborated on it, Stalin studied Hitler...
"Here's how it works (notice how many Bush & Co. is using now.):
"1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
"2. Create a gulag
"3. Develop a thug caste
"4. Set up an internal surveillance system
"5. Harass citizens' groups
"6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
"7. Target key individuals
"8. Control the press
"9. Dissent equals treason
"10. Suspend the rule of law
"Wolf's conclusion? Impeachment of Bush and Cheney is not enough. Prosecuting (and jailing) them for crimes committed is the only rational solution.
"Share this video widely."
~ The Mediator