Friday, September 26, 2008

Anger and Fear Are Sweaping Over Us All

Boy, am I upset. No, upset is to neutral a word. Furious would be better (and I hope not too extreme.......). What's going on in politics, in the financial world, events taking place behind the scenes with our leaders - it's plain immoral, unethical, pathological.

Actually, words fail me. There's no way I can voice how absolutely unamerican the behavior of our leaders of OUR country are moving us towards a national breakdown (which at this point is inevitable). I also can't help but wonder what is going on with our congressional leaders - are they being blackmailed or something??? No wonder they're calling troops back from iraq and it isn't to protect us American's but to finally bring us to our knees.

Here is an article that should be read by everyone. This one is not about the financial crisis aflicting each and every one of us - but a different kind of take-over of our country (I know, you are asking how many kinds of take-over can there be). But this one has been in the planning stages for quite a long time. If you do read the article, you may find that what happened in Germany during World War II was only a trial run.........this one is the big kahuna.

Or you can just google 'dominionism' and see what comes up and where one of our vp candidates fits into the whole creepy scenario.

Check out the Yurica Report for more articles.

~ The Mediator