Go figure, with there being no difference in weather from December to April what is is that our weather anchor men and women are NOT telling us. Well, if you read the article below, you'll begin to understand WHY we're not being told.
As I have said in my previous post, 'something wicked this way comes'. And for some reason, the PTB don't want us to know / be prepared / panic (???). Only thing is, I don't know why.
in part it says this............
*Any “fundamental research communication” must “before the communication occurs” be submitted to and approved by the designated “head of the operating unit.” While the directive states that approval may not be withheld “based on policy, budget, or management implications of the research,” it does not define these terms and limits any appeal to within Commerce;
*National Weather Service employees are allowed only “as part of their routine responsibilities to communicate information about the weather to the public”;
*Scientists must give the Commerce Department at least two weeks “advance notice” of any written, oral or audiovisual presentation prepared on their own time if it “is a matter of official interest to the Department because it relates to Department programs, policies or operations.”
“This ridiculous gag order ignores the First Amendment and disrespects the world-renowned professionals who work within Commerce agencies,” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch.
Then there is this from the article entitled:
Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
dated: March 14, 2007
by: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
"Some time ago I wrote about Climate Change as being probably the most pressing problem facing humanity today. It is so pressing that I am convinced that possibly 90% of the human race - over 6 billion people - could be at risk of certain death in the very near future - like within ten years - if this matter is not addressed adequately and appropriately very, very soon by our "glorious leaders" who seem to have little on their mind other than blowing up innocent people.
"But then, that war-mongering has a hidden agenda behind it: to grab and hold resources.
But rest assured that the intent is not to grab and hold those resources for you and me; it is to get them for the "elite," that 6% of humanity that is on the top of the heap and intends to stay there regardless of the fact that those genes should never be passed on.
"Well, the Climate Change Confusion factor is heating up. "
More of THIS ARTICLE here:
I know, i know, DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY. Don't think about tomorrow. Turn on the TV and watch ' American Idol'. You probably don't really want to know what's going on, cause if you did you wouldn't sleep for weeks.
Time for bed little one's. What - you're all grow'ed up ! ! Then start acting that way and begin to read/learn and be concerned for your children.
~ The Mediator