I spent all my free time reading about how to ascend. There were also classes on rituals on attracting abundance, radiant health, angelic protection, finding my higher-self, chanting and healing.
For some time, I was part of a healing group, and we attracted many clients (although I was never paid or compensated for my part in this group - neither were any of the other individuals who participated - only the "healer" took in all the $$). But, we all though we were doing such necessary and benevolent work, that we never thought about any type of monetary compensation. We were a group of truth seekers, honest as the day was long, and just wanting to 'help' and 'assist' those who asked.
I remember telling people (family, friends, anyone who would listen) that to make their lives better, they needed to do this 'affirmation' or that 'intention' and things would work out for the best ! ! All the while, as I was INTENDING and AFFIRMING, my life was spiraling out of control ...... on a downhill slide ..... but I was unable to recognize any of it, as I was so caught up in my belief of 'intending' and 'affirming' and 'believing' that I would be blessed.
Well, I wasn't blessed at all.
One of the books we, in our little group, were urged to purchase and read was called "THE KEYS OF ENOCH" by JJ Hurtak. At that time, the books were in limited supply (or so we were told) and to purchase one (at a cost of $65.00) would be the best investment for our little ascention group. So, we all scraped up the cost of the book, and read and studied.
Sometime after this, I remember coming to a small realization that all that I was doing, to make my life better, was NOT working. That I needed to STOP and backup and figure out whether my praying, hoping, waiting for help to arrive was the RIGHT thing to do.
Well, it must have been time, because one day I just STOPPED EVERYTHING. No more rituals, intentions, chants, visualizations, etc. I decided it was time to DO something. And, almost magically things began changing in my life - and for the better.
The magic for my has become the DOING. When faced with a situation, you need to stop focusing on someone or something to help make your problem(s) disappear. You need to DO something to make your problem(s) disappear.
The reason for this post is an article I recently came across. It made me realize how taken in I was by all this New Age trickery. And, like anything, you can be taken in so easily when you are feeling down-and-out, ill, emotionally vulnerable, searching for an answer to your life's problems.
Take it from me, just one person, just my opinion, but New Age is just another money making scheme. Keep your money, and DO.
Below is part of the article that I referred to.
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The article below was found on a blogger's site:
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
To kick off this ambitious project, let us have a look at Don JJ Hurtak, the guy who started the whole “Keys of Enoch” deal and garnered such followers as the young Don Bernard “Drunvalo” Perona. Now a fully fledged psychic mafia Don in his own right.
Don James J "J.J." Hurtak's published bio says:
"J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., M.Th. is a social scientist and futurist who studied at the University of California and the University of Minnesota."
Now, certainly he does not say that his degrees came from the University of California and the University of Minnesota... he only says he has degrees, followed by the names of two universities where he "studied." However, certainly, a reader would assume from this juxtaposition that his degrees came from those universities.
The fact is that his PhD is in social science and his other PhD in History and Oriental Studies, were obtained from the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico.
Regarding Hurtak's claims to have been at the Uni of California in 1973, we find the following.
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® (1973, 1975, 1977) makes the correlation that this Divine Name was the key behind the transcription code of chemical letters which develops the human body. In 1973 while at the University of California, Hurtak came to understand that there was a connection between the series of linguistic and genetic associations in the spelling of God’s name in the biblical Hebrew (YHVH).
Hurtak’s bio claims:
To read more, go check out this blogger's site.
Monday, April 17, 2006
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