Friday, September 02, 2005


Finally I had to break away from the tv news and radio commentators who have not stopped talking about the Hurricane called .

Although I don't know anyone personally who has either lived through this nightmare or not survived the unbelievable terror of the situation, I cannot help but wonder WHY, WHY, WHY was help soooooo long in coming to those who were not able to leave New Orleans and other cities and towns.

WHY is it that most of the people I'm seeing left behind appear to be poor, black, elderly, disabled...........are these supposedly dispensable human beings. Is this someone's way of saving the go-ver-ment money, thinking when they are no longer a burden to taxpayers, we will all benefit???

WHY were picture of white people shown with food/water taken from stores with quotes like "found these items" and then the pictures of blacks with the same items having a quote "looting" ???

WHY are individuals who have survived what can only be imagined an unbelievably traumatic event, now be labeled 'refugees' when they are actually 'homeless' ???

WHY are many americans finding it hard to reach out to these frightened, tired, people. At least that's my perspective at this moment??? When the tsunami hit back in December '04 people I knew said they couldn't wait to donate to the red cross or some other clinton/bush website to help those in need. But today, all I seem to be hearing from those same people are things like "Why didn't those people get out when they could?, Why don't they just leave the area?, Don't they have relatives that can take them in??? It seems that the media has made the survivors seem like a great inconvenience to the rest of us. Dunno. Just bothers me that no one seems too eager to donate this time.

Hoping you and yours are safe,
~ The Mediator