Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Ok, so you want to know what the heck this title of my blog means. Well, it will take a little explaining, so bear with me if you can.

Toxoplasmosis is a word that I haven't heard for at least 15 years. That long ago, a woman I met had a child and he was suffering from the effects of toxoplasmosis. We (the woman and her child) met at a support group that was formed for women who had children with 'disabilities'. This word, toxoplasmosis ((or as I remember everyone referring to it as "kitty-cat disease")), has always stuck in my brain. Funny how certain events, dreams and apparently words stick in your consciousness............apparently to be retrieved at a later date when another word, dream or event happens to LINK them together to form a pattern, sentence, idea.

Apparently women who are pregnant should NOT clean out a cat's litter box due to the parasites that abound in cat feces. This CAN result in a child born with varying birth defects/issues. The young man that I met who suffered from this toxoplasmosis was blind and had a mild form of retardation. So sad it was to meet such a beautiful young child who would be faced with a difficult life. Anyway.........next ! ! !

Ponerology is the study of the science of evil. I had never heard of it until recently when reading another blog. The subject of ponerology excited me so for this reason.......I was married to a man who from the time we took our wedding vows until 25 years later when we were officially divorced, created much negative drama and sadness in me and in our children (our family). I could not understand, for such a long, long, long time what it was that drove this man (who I fell in love with) to constantly argue, belittle, demean, ridicule and abuse those who loved him most. Our lives were constantly in motion from the fear and uncertainty that popped up daily. It was like walking on eggshells...........never knowing when this man would blow his top and rant on and on about whatever the 'issue' was that he wanted to argue about. For years I tried to help our relationship. (at least I thought I was attempting to help save our relationship .. not understanding that it could not be saved).

  • When he got angry I tried being silent and just listening, hoping that the yelling would stop, but it never did. Sometimes he'd yell for an hour and then fall exhasusted into a deep sleep.
  • Sometimes when he got angry, I tried yelling back, but that didn't work either, he would just get angrier and angrier.
  • I tried asking to remember our children, and what this was doing to them, but that didn't matter either, as he could NOT stop himself until he was totally exhausted from his ranting and raving. (this was just part of the issue(s) between us).

I always wondered WHAT IT WAS that made him incapable of loving his family. What was it that CHANGED INSTANTLY the day we took our wedding vows? Why was he ALWAYS RIGHT AND I ALWAYS WRONG?

Well, when I came across the subject of ponerology and sociopaths/psychopathic behaviors my answeres were right there. There are two different types of humans on this planet of ours. AND the connection between toxoplasmosis (a parasitic disease) and ponerology (an evil entity living off/syphoning energy off others) just hit me square between the eyes.

Check out this blog for a more in-depth explanation of this issue (ponerology) (toxoplasmosis).


And, or for further research you can also go to:


~ The Mediator