Thursday, October 09, 2008

Life and Liberty: A Coming Thing of the Past ??? ???

Here are some articles you might want to review - just a heads up on what's ahead for the u.s.of corp. and it's citizens.

Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry
Out "Crowd Control"

by: Naomi Wolf

date: October 8, 2008

Members of Congress were told they could face martial law if they didn't pass the bailout bill. This will not be the last time.

Background: the First Brigade of the Third Infantry Division, three to four thousand soldiers, has been deployed in the United States as of October 1. Their stated mission is the form of crowd control they practiced in Iraq, subduing "unruly individuals," and the management of a national emergency.

I am in Seattle and heard from the brother of one of the soldiers that they are engaged in exercises now. Amy Goodman reported that an Army spokesperson confirmed that they will have access to lethal and non lethal crowd control technologies and tanks.

George Bush struck down Posse Comitatus, thus making it legal for military to patrol the U.S. He has also legally established that in the "War on Terror," the U.S. is at war around the globe and thus the whole world is a battlefield. Thus the U.S. is also a battlefield.

You can read the rest of the article here:

And then we have this:
Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty and The US Coup of October 1, 2008

Naomi Wolf

Give Me Liberty

Mon, 06 Oct 2008

Naomi Wolf is experiencing the Cassandra Syndrome - which is a term applied in situations in which valid warnings or concerns are generally dismissed or disbelieved. Societal sleep is a mighty foe.

Societal transformation into a 'controlled society' or fascist dictatorship does not happen without precedent, nor does it happen 'by accident'. There are very clear steps that signal such an environment and Wolf has consistently documented them. The following video interview is a continuance of that...

The Video and the rest of the article can be read here:

or here:

~ The Mediator

FORECLOSURES: Sheriff Refuses to Evict

Found this article today and just wanted to say that this actually gave me a reason to smile for about 30 seconds. There are honorable human beings left in this in-human world we now live in. But will the government allow this to go on - I think not. Sadly, we are all in for a very rough winter and beyond. Our lives, our children's lives will NEVER be normal (you know, get a job, get an education, buy a home, have a family and live happily-ever-after) again.

By Mark Konkol
Sun-Times News Group
By suspending some foreclosure evictions, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart is throwing down a challenge to judges who order evictions and banks that want to clear out foreclosed homes and put them back on the market.

Dart said he's willing to face contempt-of-court charges for not following eviction orders, but Circuit Court Judge Dorothy Kirie Kinnaird said she won't take that step yet.

"It seems he has communicated more to (the media) than he has to the court," Kinnaird said. "I want to find out what issues they (the sheriff's department) are having."
Dart told reporters at a news conference Wednesday that about one-third of foreclosure evictions in the county affect renters who say they had no idea about the residence being in foreclosure.

"We will no longer be a party to something that's so unjust," a visibly angry Dart said. "We have to be sure that when we are doing this - and we are destroying some people's lives - we better be darned sure we're talking about the right people." .......................................

You can read the rest of the story here:,100908evict.article

~ The Mediator